The Paper Hat Game
Created and Directed by Torry Bend. Based on the true story of Scotty Iseri, The Paper Hat Guy. Performed at: Manbites Dog Theater, Durham, NC 2012. Great Small Works Toy Theater Festival, St. Anne's Warehouse, Brooklyn, NY 2013. The Den Theater, Chicago, IL 2013. Presented by Open Eye Figure Theatre and In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, Minneapolis, MN 2013
Video Design by Raquel Salvatella de Prada. Lighting Design by Jeanette Yew. Sound Design by Colbert S. Davis IV. Composition by Cassia Streb. Figurative puppet Design by Aaron Haskell and Tarish Pipkins. Scenic Puppet Design by Sarah Krainin and Don Tucker
Photo Credit Craig Bares